Castelldefels is a holiday resort and is very close to Barcelona. Therefore, there are multiple options for hotels. If you want to stay in the city, there are four or five trains an hour to Castelldefels from Estacio Francia, Sants or Passieg de Gracia. However, be aware that the last trains back from Castelldefels to Barcelona are probably a little too early. As an indication, a taxi from the hockey club to central Barcelona is 60€.
We would suggest you find a local hotel close to the hockey club. If you search for hotels in Castelldefels with the postal code 08860 you'll be within walking distance. The closest is the IBIS Castelldefels but, due to our event, you may find it is fully booked. However, there are many hotels on the beach with pools etc that are within a 30 minute walk to the hockey club. In the past, teams have rented bicycles for the weekend to get between the club and their hotels.
The hockey club is here (next to Castelldefels train station)